Dear Readers,
Today was a very special day. I think I passed a hurdle. See, recently I was going through some very tough times and I acted very out of character. I was afraid of losing someone. This week though, something a dear friend of mine said; "If you're ever sad, you never show it." I realized it was true. When I get sad, I only call on those people I trust enough to see me cry otherwise I conceal my sadness (and this is NOT being fake, I hate passing negative energy on and would avoid doing it as often as I can control my feelings) anyways, at the end I learned that you don't lose people. Some come and some go, yes so what? the important people NEVER leave. They transform from best friend to just friend, crush to friend, ex-brother-in-law to friend, boyfriend to just friend. All because these people care about you enough to remain in your life. I am grateful that I have atleast five people I can call at any time and cry a river and they would be there for me. When we get hurt, we avoid anything that can cause pain again but I am not that type. I have picked the pieces up and Im glad I made a friend throughout it all.
PS. sorry for ranting.
On a fun note:
I enjoyed this day throughly coz i woke up with a great mood ready to take over the world and in my head; I did.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww... now aint that cute