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Friday, September 10, 2010

Behold! Miracle of Olive oil

Elo guys,
Yes, it has indeed been long. Go ahead throw rotten eggs at me--actually---throw em at your screens..JK DONT DO THAT!
So for this blog post, I will just talk about ONE product that I have been loving for this past couple months.

This product is seriously the best thing that has happened to womankind. Not only is it good for your health because it controls LDL (which is "Bad cholesterol") but it raises the "good cholesterol" level. It's good for preventing heart diseases and works against the formation of gallstones in the bladder.
APART from the Medical benefits---the EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil, which is the purest, most unprocessed olive oil contains a heaping amount of vitamin E--you know what this means? It means...its good for your hair!
I use olive oil as a deep conditioner for my hair, so I would rub a dallop of olive oil in my hair on saturday night, and leave it in all night and then I would wash it on sunday and use a hair masque, also after washing hair it is important to put in a leave-in conditioner treatment. Another alternative way--is putting it in your hair one hour before washing--I just think the all night way works best for my hair type. Not only does it make my hair feel soft and healthy but also it keeps it frizz free and I have been suffering from frizz all my life.

Another great way to use olive oil is as a make-up remover. You know those cotton squares? Grab one of those pick up a bit of olive oil on it and wipe away your make-up frm your eyes--and voila! All gone but be careful---oil clogs pores and can cause you to break out.

A friend told me about this tip: but I havent really tried it but if u run out of lathering lotion to shave, jus rub some olive oil on ur legs and it works just the same, also it makes sense because olive oil contains Vit E which soothes--and on alot of shaving lotions---they contain vitamin E..
I hope these tips help a little..my fav use for olive oil is def. for my hair! I love and swear by it.

Keep reading because this wkend I will be working on a fashion post of that "Typical Black dress" and ways to style it depending on the occasion
and i am also planing to do a "back to school hair-do" post...so keep reading guys


  1. Oh? I tried the olive oil in my hair and all it got was limp.....with that yucky olive oil scent :( And u get frizz??

  2. Well---the trick is NOT to put too much in your hair, Don't put it in the roots or that will weigh your hair down, just put it on the tip and the places that needs most moisture. Also, yea my hair was rly frizzy...but Olive oil (a tiny tiny tiny) bit reduces it but u gotta put it on damp hair.
    Also, coconut oil works the same and the way to get rid of the coconut scent is to mix a bit of leave in conditioner with it and that eliminates frizzwonderfully !

  3. Well, I wash my hair every two days so I dont wash out the coconut oil..I put less than a pea size on the ends and parts tht tend to get frizzy. I put it in when my hair is wet so the scent isnt overwhelming.


About Me

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St. George's, WI, Grenada
I am a happy soul and apart from that I can list nothing else because that is what I feel is the essence of me: My joy! My life is in ever pursuit of happiness and I have found it, and now I never want to lose this feeling.