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Saturday, September 11, 2010

What does a camera say?

To me:
A camera captures the true essence of a moment (if the angle is correct)
It's the editing that spoils it all!
So I wanted to share w u a picture that I would NEVER EVER have posted anywhere because I described it as "So Ugly, its cute" thing is, I feel like this picture often--lol and I always want to be "mature" about the content I post but frick it. Haha. I am 19 and I refuse to act like a fouty-four year old named Shawn so this is me, posting a pic that I might regret in the upcoming years, or I might be like "Who else had the guts to do that to themselves?" 

This is me inviting you all....to be real with what the camera captures...No judgement. (except nudity, you will be judged for that) haha 


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About Me

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St. George's, WI, Grenada
I am a happy soul and apart from that I can list nothing else because that is what I feel is the essence of me: My joy! My life is in ever pursuit of happiness and I have found it, and now I never want to lose this feeling.