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Friday, October 28, 2011

New writing style and another rant about love...you know...cause' I'm a girl.

So I started this blog to just write poems and mushy stuff like that. It's been two years of inconsistent writing. Mainly because, I was lazy and I hate this blog post page, its so bland. It the background color was pretty, I'd be more inspired to write (and nobody tell me that we can change the color when typing because I'd feel really stupid and I wont like that very much)

Anyways, I decided that I wanted to change my writing style and not be so careful in what I type. I mean I know its the internet but it is my thoughts, why should I edit them? I do that enough in real life (well I don't) but I want to CUT all the editing out and just speak my damn mind.

That brings us to our topic of the night:
Unconditional Love....AWWWWWWW my damn ass.

Now, for some days this thought has been stuck in my head; "One day, way into the future, I hope you are able to define 'unconditional love' ...you'll know why.' "
Now feel free to quote me on that because I MADE IT UP
But it sounds so mushy and weak that I feel so sick to my stomach a person can make me feel that and I gotta wait till they grow the eff up to figure out that I unconditionally love them.
Sometimes I just wanna put that person on an island for 6 months and starve them from sex. It would kill them, or injure them greatly. BUT OMG is love that worthless in our society today that sex becomes of great value? I mean I get it, its good but OMFG (and feel free to say the whole thing coz I am)
I just want an escape avenue right now, maybe go to a little island and become a Kindergarten teacher or maybe pick shells up on a seashore and make jewelery. Hmmm, that would actually be nice. But anyways, I hope everyone has an awesome night :D
Nope...not bipolar just easily distracted.

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About Me

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St. George's, WI, Grenada
I am a happy soul and apart from that I can list nothing else because that is what I feel is the essence of me: My joy! My life is in ever pursuit of happiness and I have found it, and now I never want to lose this feeling.